Learn to Code


What is CodeCamp

CodeCamp is an educational program aimed at teaching and encouraging young people in Ghana to learn computer programming, thus Coding.


Code is the term used to describe a Computer Program.

A Computer Program, also known as Software or Application, is simply a sequence of instructions that tell the computer to perform specific tasks.


Examples of Computer Programs are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Gmail, Dropbox, Temple Run, Fruit Ninja and Angry Bird.

What is the aim of CodeCamp

CodeCamp was established for two purposes

To help build a generation of young people who are able to develop useful computer programs that will positively impact their lives, lives of Ghanaians and lives across the world.

To make aware, to help acquire and to help develop, at an early age, one of the most essential skills required in life - the Problem Solving Skill - through computer programming.

What are the benefits of Coding

Besides being able to develop useful computer programs, one learns how to solve problems

Become Imaginative

Form mental images, develop concepts and ideas that will motivate and drive you to take practical steps to make what once existed in the mind to become reality, thus making “Dreams come true”.

Think Analytically

Learn the habit of examining or studying closely, carefully and in detail, situations or problems with the aim of identifying possible causes, effects and dependencies, so that definitive conclusions can be made.

Reason Critically

Gain the ability to think through, understand and act upon things in a logical, sequential and orderly manner. Hence eliminating jumping to hasty, irrational and erroneous conclusions.

Get Creative

Change things to suit your preference, situation or cause by developing new, better, useful and beneficial ways of doing things. You will be able to take almost nothing and make something out of it, thus being inventive.

Breakdown Tasks

Solve tasks or problems by first breaking them down into smaller and manageable sub-tasks. Tackling the sub-tasks one after the other is much easier to solve, requires less effort and is completed in less time.

Team Work

Accomplish more by working with others. Learn to communicate well, share ideas, negotiate, empathize, compromise, exercise tolerance and engage the right amount of emotions when working in a team.

Can-do Attitude

Build self confidence in your ability to create things, as you develop one computer program after the other. You will believe and know that indeed you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.

Ready Employment

Get a well paid job, as employers are continually looking for people with coding skills to fill vacancies in the IT and Computer Science industry worldwide. Also, you can be an entrepreneur and start you own business too.

Added Advantage

You do not need to be a Computer Science or IT professional before you learn to code. You are in a much better position to create better applications for your industry since you understand your industry best and can also code.

Who are the people behind CodeCamp

CodeCamp is managed by IT enthusiasts, all with computer programming backgrounds and equally very passionate about passing our knowledge on to the next generation.

We are either employed in the IT industry or are entrepreneurs running IT businesses. CodeCamp is always such an exciting period for us that we make time to come and teach the young ones to Imagine, Think and Create.